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The Monsters Inside

H.M. Jackson

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

The Monsters Inside 


When I was little, I was scared 

Of the monsters that dared 

To hide in my closet or under the bed

Each night, before I went to sleep

I’d slowly creep 

Checking to be sure, 

The closet was clear 

And no monsters had made it under the bed

That’s because when I was little, 

No one told me - 

You will not find the monsters 

In your closet, 

You will not find the monsters, 

Under the bed, 

The monsters are in your head 

You can’t escape. 

Each night, 

They come alive 

Sometimes making you want to die 

Now I wish, 

I was only scared 

Of the monsters that dared 

To hide in my closet or under the bed


They found a home in my head. 

-H.M. Jackson


©2023 by Catch the Waves and H.M. Jackson

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